Speaking with many of our clients we know that the most important thing when booking a massage in Cusco is that it will be professional. With 100 girls on the street all offering massage, it can be daunting and off putting for many as they believe that all massages will be like this.
However this is not true. We have worked hard the last 5 years to build up a reputation and a massage studio that prides itself on professionalism and quality.
Our massages are not just a routine, instead we listen to what you have to say about your bodies, the muscle soreness that you may have and any injuries (current and historic). From this we can create a session that will be as effective as possible. During the massage we also listen to your body, seeing how it reacts, we can see if an area needs extra focus or if we need to move on to another part of the body.

So if you are considering a massage in Cusco and are looking for a professional and a high quality massage then please don't hesitate to get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.